American Bobtail Cat Names, Page 4

IvanForm of JohnMaleRussian
Jerryafter Jerry Garcia, The Grateful DeadMaleEnglish
JewelJewel FemaleWord
JockGod has been gracious: has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. MaleScottish
JodieFrom Judith - Admired and praisedUnisex
JonahDove. In the bible Jonah was on board a ship God caused to sink: sailors traditionally use the name Jonah to personify someone who brings bad luck. MaleHebrew
JuniorYouthful person. Used to distinguish son from father where they have the same nameMaleLatin
Justinejust, trueFemale
Katosecond of twinsMaleAfrican
KellyLively: aggressive. FemaleIrish
KikiFrom Enriqueta - PetFemale
KikiFrom Enriqueta - PetFemale
Kirbychurch settlementMaleNorse
Kirstenchristian; stone churchFemaleScandinavian
Lanceknight's attendant; landMaleEnglish
LarryAbbreviation of Lawrence or Laurence often used as an independent name. MaleEnglish
Lebronbrown-haired oneMale
Lesliedweller in the gray castle; small meadowFemaleScottish
LexiGreek, feminine form of Alexander, defending menFemaleEnglish

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