Amazing Cat Names, Cool and Unusual Names For Kittens

Amazing Cat NamesMost of the cat names are inspired by human names, but you can make changes. Everything can be used as cat names, if you agree. Here comes our collection of amazing cat names for boy or girl kittens, these names are inspired by historical figures, celebrities, mythology, writers, fictional characters, fashion, places, drinks, food, and nature. If you like cool, unique, and unusual cat names, look no more than our selections. Check out the below list and select your favorite names for your felines.

AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
Adonisman loved by aphrodite, handsome,.MaleGreek
Agathagood, kindFemaleGreek
AliceTruth, nobleFemale
AlohaOne Who As A Loving, Kind HeartUnisexHawaiian
AlphaFirst BornFemaleGreek
Amadeusafter MozartMaleLatin
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
AmbrosiaDivine, immortal one. The food of the Gods. Dessert with oranges and flaked coconut.FemaleGreek
AngelAngel MaleWord
Angussuperb, uniqueMaleAnglicized
Antonio"priceless one"MaleSpanish
Arabellayielding to prayerFemaleLatin
ArchieOne who is bold MaleEnglish
ArchimedesMaster of thoughtUnisexGreek
Ariellioness of godFemaleHebrew
AristophanesExcellence appearingUnisexGreek

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