Male Aegean Cat Names, Boy Aegean Cat Names

Adonisman loved by aphrodite, handsome,.MaleGreek
AeolusGreek God of the WindUnisex
Alexanderprotector of mankindMaleGreek
Apollothe mythological god of light and truthMaleGreek
Aresgod of warUnisex
AtlasEndures, SuffersMaleGreek
BacchusTo ShoutMaleLatin
BacchusThe Roman Name For Dionysus, The God Of Wine And Intoxication.MaleGreek
CalixGreek for handsome oneMale
CosmoOrder, universe. MaleItalian
DamianTame MaleGreek
DiomedesCunning as ZeusUnisexGreek
Dionysusalso Dionysos and Dionysis, Greek mythology: god of wine, also known as BacchusUnisex
EchoRepetition of a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves. For one that barks or meows a lot. A nymphMaleGreek
ErosGod Of LoveMaleGreek
Ganymedenamed after the moon of JupiterUnisex
GeminiThe TwinsMaleLatin
HadesWorld of the dead or hell.Male
HecateMythical Witchcraft GoddessUnisexGreek
HectorTenacious MaleGreek

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