Friendly Cat Names For Your Beloved Kittens

Some breeds of cats are friendly and gentle, and they deserve friendly names. When coming up to friendly cat names, you could get inspirations from those names mean friend and loyal. Here comes our collection of 14 friendly cat names that are perfect for your boy or girl kittens.

Friendly Male Cat Names

Alvin: A name fit for male Golden Retriever. In German or American language, Alvin means "noble friend." In Teutonic language, Alvin means "loved by all."

Beau: French name that means "strong; noble; handsome."
Darwin: This name is connected to the great naturalist Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution. The name Darwin has a lovely meaning: "dear friend."
Digby: Norse origin surname and place name means "town by a ditch."
Dillon: Gaelic name that means "loyal; faithful." In Welsh language, the name Dillon means "born near the sea."
Felix: Latin name that means "happy; lucky; fortunate; blessed."
Wade: English name that means "ford; moving cross the river."

Friendly Female Cat Names

Amy: Old French name that means "beloved," a short, sweet Little Women-style classic name.

Bella: Latin name that means "beautiful; loving; intelligent; graceful."
Bonnie: Scottish name that means "beautiful; good-natured; cheerful."
Brooke: English name that means "lives by the stream." This name is perfect for your girl Lab because she is a water lover.
Cara: A traditional girl name in Ireland that means "friend." In Spanish, Cara is a simple and sweet name meaning "face."
Faith: Latin name that denotes unquestioning belief and complete trust in God.
Leala: French girl name that means "loyal; faithful."

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