41 Cheerful Cat Names Inspired By Spring

The weather turns warm and spring is coming again. Springtime is for new beginning, rebirth, and awakening. Spring is the perfect time for pregnant, everything is bright and clear. There are lots of unusual cat names inspired by spring, just like those countless beautiful flowers. Here comes our selection of Spring cat names for your male or female kittens, and these names have the great meanings.

Anemone: A floral name that relates to the ancient Greek myth of the famous love story of Aphrodite and Adonis, in which Aphrodite transforms her wounded lover's blood into a flower, the crimson anemone, whose blossoms are opened by the wind.

Apple: The apple blossoms are blooming in the spring.
April: Popular month-inspired baby name, referring to the opening of the flowers in Spring.
Attwell: A unique baby name means "lives by the spring."
Aurora: Spring is the start of the year, and Aurora was the mythical Roman goddess of the dawn. This pretty girl name became very popular after Charles Perrault wrote the fairy tale "The Sleeping Beauty."
Aviv: Hebrew name meaning Spring.
Azalea: Azalea is one of the fresher flower names, consider this brilliant pink springtime blossom with a touch of the exotic.
Birdie: In springtime birds are warbling in their full glory.
Bloom: The same as Blossom but it feels a little more fresh.
Blossom: Spring is the season to bloom.
Bluebell: A very cute and sweet name for a little girl.
Bradwell: Another unique baby name means means "from the broad spring."
Brooke: A small stream, this girl name just make you think of Spring.
Claire: French form of Clara, and it means "bright and clear," this name has an appropriate spring feel.
Dahlia: In the Victorian language of flowers, Dahlia denotes elegance and dignity.
Daisy: This cute floral name for little girl has a colorful literary and pop culture history, and the name means "day's eye."
Dawn: Dawn signifies a new beginning, a new day and it is perfect for spring.
Denver: This place-themed baby name means "green valley."
Florence: Another place-themed baby name for Spring, and this sweet name means "blooming" in Latin.
Fontanne: This unique French name means "fountain or spring."
Iris: Another flower-themed girl name. In Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow.
Keby: This unique Gaelic origin unisex name means "place by the fountain or spring."
Laverna: French girl name means "born in the spring."
Leif: The leaves are blooming in spring, and leif is the Scandinavian spelling of the word leaf.
Lily: A popular flower-inspired girl name and a symbol of purity and innocence.

Magnolia: A sweet-smelling flower name taken from the name of the trees or shrubs of the magnolia family which bear large, fragrant flowers.
March: March is the start of the spring, and the name March is a boy name of Welsh origin.
Margeurite: This unique girl name actually means "daisy", and it is a type of flower daisy.
Mae: French name means "goddess of spring growth," and it is another spelling of the month May.
Maxwell: Scottish boy name means "Magnus’ spring; great stream."
Peony: One of the rarest of the floral names, and it means "healing" in Latin. In Chinese art, the peony is the flower of "riches and honour."
Petunia: Trumpet-shaped flower, one of the lesser used flower names, could be a a lovely name for a little lady.
Poppy: This lovely and cheerful floral name has a lot of spunk, and it makes an especially good choice for a redhead.
Primrose: One of the earliest spring flowers to bloom, and this Latin origin name means "first rose."
Rain: Spring rain is as precious as oil, it quickened the earth and sprouted the seeds.
Robin: We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin. The word robin means "bright fame."
Rose: One of the old-time sweet-smelling flower names, has had a remarkable revival, and it is often used as a middle name.
Spring: The very epitome of a spring-inspired baby name obviously. Spring would be a lovely middle name for a baby born during the spring months.
Sunny: The sun finally shows its face in the spring, and this name has a happy, cheerful ring for a child.
Violet: One of the prettiest of the color and flower names.
Weldon: Unique baby name means "hill near a spring."

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