15 Cat Names Inspired By The Most Popular Cats On Instagram

Cats can also be super stars, especially on Instagram. These shining cats have lots of fans on Instagram, and they have been the most popular cats. When coming up to cat names, you could consider one of these celebrity cat names for your beloved male or female kittens.

Colonel Meow: A cat from Los Angeles, California, and its instagram is colonelmeow. Colonel Meow passed away 2014.

Hamilton: A cat from Lafayette, California, and its instagram name is hamilton_the_hipster_cat. Hamilton and his mustache were born on the 4th of July.
Lil Bub: A cat from Bloomington, Indiana, and its instagram name is iamlilbub. Bub is also a film star, and her movie recently took one of the top honors at the Tribeca Film Festival.
Michelle: A Russian Blue cat from Yokohama, Japan, and its instagram name is goemon16.
Nala: We do not know where the cat is from, and its instagram name is nala_cat. She is a Siamese and Tabby mix rescued from a shelter. She was the most popular cat on Instagram.
P-Chan: A cat from Japan, and its instagram name is ryotukoro. P-Chan has a brother named Nya-san who stays out of the spotlight.
Princess Monster Truck: A cat from New York City, and its instagram name is princessmonstertruck. She was found roaming the streets of Brooklyn.
Pudge: A cat from Minnespolis, Minnesota, its instagram name is pudgethecat.
Richard: A cat from Costa Mesa, California. Its instagram name is richard_kitty. It is a rescue cat who lives with his rescue brother Toshi. Richard is known for his heterochromia, which means his eyes are two different colors.
Sam: A cat from New York City, and its instagram name is samhaseyebrows.
Shishi Maru: A cat from Norway, and its instagram name is emonemon. Shishi Maru is a Scottish Fold.
Snoopy: A cat from China, and its instagram name is snoopybabe. Snoopy is an Exotic shorthair.
Tardar Sauce: A cat from Arizona, and its instagram name is tardthegrumpycat. Tardar Sauce, better known as Grumpy Cat, just signed a movie deal.
Toco: A cat from Japan, and its instagram name is makicocomo. Toco won't take a photo unless her owner is with her.
Wheat: A cat from Nagoya, Japan, and its instagram name is tomochunba. Wheat prefers minimalist art.

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