These unique and sounding cat names come from Irish language, and they are lyrical and beautiful as well. If you like Irish language and culture, these cool cat names will be perfect for your little kittens. The more important thing is, they are unusual and they will bring you a different air and feel.
Aidan: Little fiery one
Ailis: Noble sort
Aine: Joy, Radiance
Aoife: Beautiful
Beckett: Playwright and poet.
Blair: Dweller of the meadow
Blarney: Stone
Brady: One with broad eyes
Cara: Friendly
Ciara: Dark
Dana: Mythical Irish Goddess.
Donal: World mighty
Emer: Swift
Enya: A variation of Ena, which means kernel
Evan: Little swift one, God is gracious
Fagan: Little fiery one, Joyful
Fand: Mythological Queen of the Fairies.
Felan: Little wolf.
Fiona: Fair, white, beautiful
Galen: Calm
Hayes: Fire, Enclosure
Hogan: Young
Jig: Traditional Irish folk dance.
Joyce: Irish writer of global renown, means Experienced in battle
Kavan: Handsome.
Keelin: Slender, fair
Liam: Short for the Irish form of William, desire and helmet
Maccon: Son of a wolf
Mago: Great
Moore: Majastic
Moran: Great
Noreen: Diminutive of Nora
Peggy: Pet form of Margaret, a pearl
Regan: Little king, Regal
Sean: Irish form of John, meaning "God is gracious"
Swift: Brilliant satirist, Irishman and poet.