Barry: Meaning of cat name Barry

Pronunciation: [Ba-rry]

Gender of Barry: Male

Meaning of Barry: spear thrower, son of Harry, Marksman

Origin of Barry: Irish

Variant Forms:

BarrieFair-haired. FemaleFeminine
BarringtonTown Of BarrUnisexEnglish
Bazfrom the longest name in the Bible, Maher-shalal-hash-bazMaleEnglish
BerryWhite, FairMaleEnglish

Famous People Named Barry:

Marion Barry is an American Democratic politician, who served as the first president of the SNCC during the Civil Rights Movement.

David Barry is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American author and columnist.

Barry White was a famous American composer and songwriter.

Barry Sanders is a former American football player who played for the Detroit Lions of the National Football League.

Barry Morris Goldwater was a five-term U.S. Senator from Arizona and one of the most venerated statesmen.

Barry Marshall is an Australian physician who has won Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery that peptic ulcers are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Barry Manilow is a famous singer-songwriter and producer.

Barry Bonds was one of the most prolific and outstanding baseball players in history.

Cat Names List Contain the Cat Name Barry:

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