Nathan: Meaning of cat name Nathan

Pronunciation: [Na-than]

Gender of Nathan: Male

Meaning of Nathan: given

Origin of Nathan: Hebrew

Gift from God.

Variant Forms:

NatHebrew, givenMaleEnglish
NateHebrew, givenMaleEnglish

Famous People Named Nathan:

Viswanathan Anand is a five time winner of the World Chess Championship.

Nathan Bedford Forrest served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.

Jonathan Winters was a popular American comedian and actor.

Jonathan Swift was an Anglo Irish poet and cleric.

Jonathan Ross is a television and radio presenter who presented the BBC chat show ‘Friday Night with Jonathan Ross’.

Jonathan Kozol is an award-winning American non-fiction writer, activist and educator.

Jonathan Edwards was a philosopher and theologian who played a significant role in shaping Protestant beliefs during the 18th century.

Jonathan Davis is an American musician and the lead vocalist of the famous nu metal band ‘Korn’.

Goodluck Jonathan is the current President of Nigeria; he is in the office since 2010.

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