Joseph: Meaning of cat name Joseph

Pronunciation: [Jo-sef]

Gender of Joseph: Male

Meaning of Joseph: God will increase

Origin of Joseph: Hebrew


Variant Forms:

JoVariation of Johanna, God is graciousFemaleEnglish
JodieFrom Judith - Admired and praisedUnisex
JoeAbbreviation of Joseph. MaleEnglish
JoeAbbreviation of Joseph. MaleEnglish
JoeyAbbreviation of Joseph. Male
JoeyAbbreviation of Joseph. Male
JoseJehovah increasesMaleSpanish
PepeSpanish variation of JosephMaleSpanish

Famous People Named Joseph:

Joseph Story was an American lawyer, writer and jurist who served in the early 19th century on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Joseph Stalin was a communist revolutionary, who played a key role in the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Joseph McCarthy was a U.S. Senator notorious for his anti-communist activities which led to the coining of the term ‘McCarthyism’.

Joseph Lister was the pioneer of antiseptic surgery.

Joseph Joffre was a French General during the World War I.

Joseph Heller was a renowned American novelist and playwright.

Joseph Haydn was one of the most prominent composers of the classical period.

Joseph Goebbels was a leader and propagandist during Nazi Germany.

Joseph E. Stiglitz has quite a slew of accomplishments to boast.

Joseph Conrad was an acclaimed Polish author, who wrote in English.

Joseph B. Soloveitchik was a major American Orthodox rabbi and modern Jewish philosopher.

Joseph Addison was an 18th century English poet, writer and politician.

George Joseph Stigler is one of the most influential economists of the 20th century.

Franz Joseph Liszt was the famous composer and pianist.

Chief Joseph was the leader of a Native American tribe who led his followers in one of the most dramatic retreats in the history of America.

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