Jacob: Meaning of cat name Jacob

Pronunciation: [Ja-cob]

Gender of Jacob: Male

Meaning of Jacob: The supplanter, held by the heel

Origin of Jacob: Hebrew

That supplants.

Variant Forms:

CobySupplanter, RepresentativeMaleEnglish
HamishEquivalent of Jacob - To fill the place of another.MaleScottish
IagoSupplanter MaleWelsh
Jackafter the Georgetown University mascot, Jack the BulldogMaleEnglish
JackFrom John - God's gracious giftMaleEnglish
JackyGod Is GraciousUnisexEnglish
JacoHebrew, supplanterMalePortuguese
JagoA character in a Victorian book who battled against the oddsMaleSpanish
JakeFrom Jacob - To fill the place of anotherMaleHebrew
JakobSupplanter, RepresentativeUnisexGerman
JakovSupplanter, RepresentativeUnisexSlavic
JamesFrom Jacob - To fill the place of another, supplanter.MaleEnglish
JamieFeminine of JamesFemaleScottish
JockGod has been gracious: has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. MaleScottish

Famous People Named Jacob:

Jane Jacobs was a well-known American-Canadian writer, journalist and activist.

Jacob Zuma is the current President of South Africa.

Jacob Roggeveen was a Dutch explorer who discovered Easter Island.

Jacob Riis was a significant Danish American social reformer who helped the downtrodden of New York City.

Jacob Obrecht lgained respect in Europe, especially in Italy.

Jacob Bernoulli is a very well-known Swiss mathematician.

Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi was a German mathematician who co-founded the theory of elliptic functions.

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