Gentle Cat Names, Soothing and Gentle Names

Gentle Cat NamesSome of the cat breeds are gentle, for instance Burmese cats, they have a good temperment and most of the time they will follow you around the house. It is a great idea to choose a gentle name for these sweethearts, especially those soothing and gentle in nature cat names. We have the exact collection ready for you, these names are not so tready but they have a timeless appeal to the cats.

Abigail"my father is joyful"FemaleHebrew
AdelaPleasant: Of the nobility. Noble. Female
Adelaidenoble kind, adornedFemaleVariant
AdelineSweet: of the nobility. Noble. Female
AdinaSlender. FemaleHebrew
AliceTruth, nobleFemale
AlyssaVariant of Alice. FemaleEnglish
AmandaLovable FemaleLatin
Andrewmanly, valiant, courageousMaleGreek
AngelaAngel FemaleLatin
AngelinaAngel FemaleGreek
AnnaArthur's sister FemaleGreek
Anthony"priceless one"MaleLatin
AriadneGreek mythology, daughter of King Minos of CreteFemaleGreek
Ariellioness of godFemaleHebrew
Asherfortunate, lucky, blessed, happyMaleHebrew
Baileybailiff, fortification, ableFemaleOccupational
Beatriceblessed; she who brings happinessFemaleLatin
Belindabeautiful snakeFemaleSpanish

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