Albert: Meaning of cat name Albert

Pronunciation: [Al-bert]

Gender of Albert: Male

Meaning of Albert: noble and bright

Origin of Albert: English

Albert Einstein devised the theory of relativity as a young man.

Variant Forms:

AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
AlbertoForm Of AlbertUnisexSpanish
AlbieNoble, BrightUnisexEnglish
AlbrechtNoble, BrightUnisexGerman
AllieOf Noble BirthFemaleGerman
BertEnglish, noble, brightMaleEnglish
BertieBrilliant, Illuminated FameMaleEnglish

Famous People Named Albert:

Rafael Alberti was one of the prolific poets of Spanish literature.

Luis Alberto Lacalle was the President of Uruguay from 1990 to 1995.

Carl Albert was an American Democratic Politician.

Alberto Sordi was an Italian actor and film director.

Alberto Santos Dumont was a Brazilian aviation pioneer who designed, built, and flew the first practical dirigible.

Alberto Moravia was a novelist and journalist of Italian origin.

Alberto Korda was a renowned Cuban photographer whose photo of Che Guhevara has become legendary.

Alberto Giacometti was a prominent painter and sculptor of Swiss origin.

Alberto Fujimori is a former Peruvian President.

Alberta Hunter was famous as a blues singer and songwriter.

Albert Schweitzer was a Franco-German theologian, organist, philosopher, physician, and medical missionary.

Albert John Luthuli was a South African teacher and politician who fought for civil rights in South Africa.

Albert II, Prince of Monaco is the reigning monarch of the principality of Monaco.

Albert Hofmann was a Swiss scientist who synthesised LSD.

Albert Ellis was a famous American psychologist.

Albert Einstein is popularly known as the Father of Modern Physics.

Albert Camus was the most controversial French philosopher of his times.

Albert Brooks is an American actor, writer, comedian and director.

Albert Bandura is the most influential psychologist of all times.

Albert Anker is a famous 19th century Swiss painter.

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