Tabby Male Cat Names, Tabby Boy Cat Names

AbbeyGod Is JoyUnisexEnglish
Aberforth DumbledoreUnisex
Abnerfather of lightMaleHebrew
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AdairFrom the oak tree ford. MaleScottish
AdriyelOf God's flock Male
Algie LongbottomNeville's great uncle. Male
Amos DiggoryCedric's father. Male
Angussuperb, uniqueMaleAnglicized
Antonin DelehovDeath Eater Male
ArchibaldBold MaleTeutonic
Arsenius JiggerUnisex
ArtieAbbreviation Of Arthur - Noble; Courageous.UnisexEnglish
AshAsh tree. MaleEnglish
Augustus RookwoodUnisex
BadgerBurrowing mammal with white stripe on forehead. Also verb to pester or harass.Unisex
BaldricBold, Powerful, Brave RulerUnisexEnglish
BalinMighty WarriorMaleHindu
Barnabusafter the vampire Barnabus CollinsMale

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