Holiday Cat Names, Names Inspired By Holiday

Holiday Cat NamesHolidays are important in our life, especially those wonderful holidays in the fall and winter seasons, for instance Halloween Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and Valentine's Day. They remind us warm, peace, thankfulness, faith and hope. If you are leaning toward a meaningful name for your newborn kittens during holidays, you could consider our collection of holiday cat names. Peter, Mary, Grace, Sarah, John, Lucia and Noel are all perfect holiday-inspired cat names.

Aaronshining light, high mountain, messengerMaleHebrew
Abnerfather of lightMaleHebrew
AngelAngel MaleWord
AngelaAngel FemaleLatin
AudreyStrong and nobleFemaleEnglish
Baileybailiff, fortification, ableFemaleOccupational
BalthazarOne of the three Wise Men. A bottle of wine that has the equivalant of 12 bottles total. MalePhoenician
BellaBeautiful FemaleEnglish
BellaBeautiful FemaleEnglish
BelleBeautiful womanFemaleShort
BerryWhite, FairMaleEnglish
Bethhouse of godFemaleEnglish
CandyConfectionery made with sugar.FemaleEnglish
CasperMaster of the treasureMaleDutch
CharityAffection, Charity, Brotherly LoveFemaleLatin
Chasehunter, To follow or go in pursuitMale
CherryVarious trees that produce red to black fruit.FemaleFruit
ChestnutDeciduous tree with an edible deep reddish brown nut.Unisex
ChevyHorseman: knight. An abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase. Male
Chiaralight, clearFemaleItalian

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