Active Cat Names, Names For Active And Playful Kittens

Active Cat NamesNaming a cat can be difficult, and a good cat name should go with your cat's personality or physical characteristic. If you have a playful or active kitten, you could consider choosing an active name for him or her. Here comes our collection of active cat names for male or female kittens, and they make perfect names for your naughty or playful cats. These cat names are known to be playful, and some of them have the meaning of active in various origins.

AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
Angussuperb, uniqueMaleAnglicized
ArloThe barberry (shrub).MaleSpanish
ArrowA straight, thin, pointed shaft shot from a bowMaleWord
BarnabySon of comfort. MaleEnglish
Belindabeautiful snakeFemaleSpanish
Bizzypledged to GodFemaleEnglish
Bladeglory, The expanded part of a leaf, particularly grassesMaleWord
BlazeLisp: stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy: mathematician: scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. MaleLatin
Brucethicket, woodlandsMaleScottish
BuckA fleet footed youth. Male deer.MaleEnglish
BulletA metal cylinder shot from a rifle or gun. Used to express speed.Male
ChanceFrench for luckMale
Chrisone who carries ChristMaleEnglish
Clancyoffspring of red-headed soldierMaleIrish
CooperBarrel makerMaleEnglish
DaltonFrom the farm in the dale MaleEnglish

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