Many cat owners do not like those popular and common cat names, such as Max, Belle, Buddy, etc. They like something unique and special, and sometimes they want even weird and wacky cat names. Choosing a good wacky cat name is not easy, and here comes top 50 wacky cat names of 2015. Check out these cute and funny cat names for your own inspirations.
Leonardo DiCatprio
Fuzz Lightyear
Captain Pancake
Sir Nigel Meowmittens of Oscelot Court
Ziggy Ollyoxenfree
Zelda Nacho
Cornelius McPudness Vandercat
Sir Theodorable Purrsalot
Star Wars Steve
A Boy Named Suzy
Admiral Sebastian Ellery Meowington
Brad Kitt Aka Bk
Breezy Chatter Bug
Catfish Bob
Catrick Swayze
Chicklet Chicken Little
Clark Cat Super Kitty
Dizzy Heart Cow
Dudley Dowrong
Dusty Mop
Edward Scissor Paws
Furball Tinytot
George W Cat
Harry Mustard
Johnnie On The Spot
Lambeau Batman
Lazy Destroyer
Madame La-Tea-Ta De La Fontaine
Mr. Puddin La Pew
Ms. Tuftytoes
Phatty Meow Meow
Pretty Floyd Boy The Second1
Razmin Jazmin
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Six Pack
Smooth Operator Eddie
Thelonious Monkey
Thumbs Hemingway
Tigress Tasha
Toby Turbo
Tommy Twotimes
Trinity Sweetypaws
Tuxedo Burrito Camino
See also