Cyrus: Meaning of cat name Cyrus

Pronunciation: [Cy-rus]

Gender of Cyrus: Male

Meaning of Cyrus: throne

Origin of Cyrus: Persian

Variant Forms:

CyPersian, sun or throneMaleEnglish

Famous People Named Cyrus:

Miley Cyrus is an American pop sensation and actress.

Cyrus Pallonji Mistry is an eminent Irish-Indian entrepreneur and the current Chairman of Tata Group of Companies.

Billy Ray Cyrus is an American country singer-songwriter and actor, who earned great fame and success with his very first album ‘Some Gave All’.

Cat Names List Contain the Cat Name Cyrus:

Hilarious Cat Names: 50 Funny and Quirky Names for Your Feline Friend

Cat Names Inspired by the Sun: Warm and Radiant Choices for Your Feline Friend

Guy Cat Names: Unique, Classic, and Fun Ideas with Meanings

Funniest Cat Names: Creative Ideas and Their Hilarious Meanings

Unique Silly Cat Names For Your Unusual Kittens

Sphinx Cat Names for Your Exotic Puppies

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