Carlo: Meaning of cat name Carlo

Pronunciation: [Car-lo]

Gender of Carlo: Male

Meaning of Carlo: French from German, free man

Origin of Carlo: Italian

Famous People Named Carlo:

Gian Carlo Menotti was certainly a multi-faceted talent.

Carlos Slim is known for his self-made fortune.

Carlos Santana is a world-famous Mexican-American musician.

Carlos Páez Vilaró was a multifaceted Uruguayan artist.

Carlos Fuentes was a Mexican novelist, diplomat and scholar who was an important influence on the Latin American Boom Movement.

Carlos Chavez was a famous Mexican composer who founded the Mexican Symphonic Orchestra.

Carlos Castaneda was an American author who penned ‘The Teachings of Dan Juan’.

Carlo Urbani was the first person who identified SARS as a highly contagious disease.

Cat Names List Contain the Cat Name Carlo:

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