Ashley: Meaning of cat name Ashley

Pronunciation: [As-hley]

Gender of Ashley: Female

Meaning of Ashley: ash-tree

Origin of Ashley: English

Lives in the ash tree grove. Ashley Wilkes is the man long loved by Scarlett O'Hara in the novel "Gone With the Wind".

Variant Forms:

AshelyAsh Tree MeadowFemaleEnglish
AshleeAsh Tree MeadowUnisexEnglish
AshleighFrom The Ash TreeUnisexEnglish
AshlyLives In The Ash-Tree FordUnisexEnglish
LeeHealer MaleEnglish

Famous People Named Ashley:

Laura Ashley was a Welsh fashion designer.

Ashley Olsen is an American actress, fashion designer and producer.

Ashley Judd is an acclaimed Golden Globe nominated American actresses.

Cat Names List Contain the Cat Name Ashley:

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