Welcome to iCatNames.com, we are dedicated to cat names and meanings. You can view
all the
cat names with meanings from A to Z, also
you can search cat names by the first letter of the name.
Whatever you like popular and hot cat names or unique and unusual cat names, we
collected lots of cat names and created several
cat names categories for you, we believe that there will be at least one
category you will like, for example
Grace Cat Names
Peaceful Cat Names.
There are lots of cat breeds in the world, we also created cat names by most popular
cat breeds, for example
Persian Cat Names or
Maine Coon Cat Names. We hope your cat is in
one of the breeds there. If not, please let us know your breed of the cat. Check
these cat names out at
Cat Names by Breeds page.
We also provided
Cat Names by Origins page,
this means we collected the names by the origin of cat breeds, also sometimes it
means the names are from the specific origins.
If you want to pick up a simple cat name by the color of your cat,
Cat Names by Colors page is created for you. For example, if you have a
black kitten and you would like to name him or her with a cat name inspirated by
the color black, you can check out the
Black Cat Names
If you have any suggestion please write to us at
[email protected], thank you and
Welcome to iCatNames.com, we are dedicated to cat names and meanings. You can view
all the
cat names with meanings from A to Z.
We collected lots of cat names and created several
cat names categories for you, we believe that there will be at least one
category you will like.
We also created cat names by most popular cat breeds, check these cat names out
Cat Names by Breeds page.
We also provided
Cat Names by Origins page.
If you want to pick up a simple cat name by the color of your cat,
Cat Names by Colors page is created for you.