Arthur: Meaning of cat name Arthur

Pronunciation: [Ar-thur]

Gender of Arthur: Male

Meaning of Arthur: Strong as a rock, noble, follower of Thor

Origin of Arthur: Celtic

King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights have become legendary figures.

Variant Forms:

Artnoble one; bear manMaleEnglish
ArtieAbbreviation Of Arthur - Noble; Courageous.UnisexEnglish
ArtyBear, StoneUnisexEnglish

Famous People Named Arthur:

Sir Arthur Lewis was a Saint Lucian economist well known for his contributions in the field of economic development.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Scottish author, poet & physician.

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke was a British science fiction writer, inventor and futurist who had also served in the Royal Air Force during the World War II.

Edward Arthur Milne was an English astrophysicist and mathematician, best known for developing the theory of kinematic relativity.

Douglas MacArthur was an American general and Chief of Staff of the United States Army.

Chester A. Arthur was the the 21st President of the United States of America.

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington was one of the most legendary political and military personalities.

Arthur Sullivan was a great English composer who was regarded as the greatest young talent in England.

Arthur Schopenhauer was a great German philosopher of the late 19th century, famous for his pessimistic philosophies.

Arthur Rimbaud was a renowned French poet often regarded as “an infant Shakespeare”.

Arthur Miller was an American playwright and essayist.

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. was an influential historian and writer.

Arthur Koestler was a Hungarian-British author and journalist best known for his book ‘Darkness at Noon.

Arthur Compton was a renowned American physicist who discovered the Compton Effect.

Arthur Cayley was a well-known mathematician.

Arthur Balfour was a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Arthur Ashe was a professional tennis player, and the first black man ever to win singles title at at Wimbledon, the US Open, and the Australian Open.

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